Your First Visit
We want the first dental visit to be fun and enjoyable for the entire family! Please arrive 15 minutes early for this appointment. Our friendly front office staff will verify all of the necessary paperwork and dental insurance you may have. Your first dental visit allows us to gain an understanding of your concerns and establish a rapport with your child. Parents are invited to stay with their child through every step of the first visit. We will always take the time to learn about what makes your child comfortable, share preventive tips to care for their teeth, and answer all of the questions you may have.
Recommended age of first visit
Within 6 Months
after the first tooth arrives
No later than
their first birthday
How To Prepare
Your child should be informed of the visit and told that the dentist and team will explain all procedures and answer any questions.
Reading books about going to the dentist or “playing dentist” at home beforehand can be beneficial.
It is best to refrain from using words that can cause unnecessary fear, like needle, pull, drill, or hurt. Pediatric dental offices make a practice of using age-appropriate words that convey the same message, but are pleasant and non-frightening to a child.
Keeping a RELAXED AND POSITIVE attitude helps the most. Often a child’s behavior is related to their parent’s own fear and anxiety.
The Big Day
You may want to have them bring their favorite comfort toy, a little snack, and an extra diaper or two, just in case. If you have other kiddos, it may be wise to bring another adult to help watch if possible. This will help give your child the attention they may need. Likewise, filling out the dental or information forms in advance may save time and effort on the day of the visit.